Many thanks to anyone who bid on the Help For Heroes Knitted Heroes, and many thanks to the winner of the big ones - you know who you are, and you are a complete star!! We managed to raise nearly £90, which isn't a huge amount but every little bit helps right??
Right, back to business. Work is nearly over for the summer, last classes have taken place and now prep starts for the new ones in September. Kids have broken up from school - it's early days but the first couple of days have been okay so far - no major outbursts. You know it won't last, give them a couple of weeks and they will be fighting like cat and dog!
I am in a finishing mood - makes a change. My dear sister-in-law has only been waiting for a quilt for well over 10 years, okay maybe a lot more than 10 years! I have finally managed to do some thing for her. Nothing fancy and I am ashamed it has taken me so long. After long discussions with Martha about the colours I was using, she suggested this perfect thread for it. It looks great on the quilt.
A close up of the quilting:
Oh Emma, your stitching is just gorgeous! Well done! How's the new house??? The new Salisbury shop sounds like it is shaping up well.All very exciting!Looking forward to seeing you at the NEC.